Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monthly ACTM Formation

You may have heard of the monthly ACTM Formations being announced at mass and in the parish bulletins but have remained clueless with regards to its meaning and purpose.

What does ACTM mean? Area Core Team Members!

The ensuing question follows: "Who are the Area Core Team Members?" The Area Core Team Members form the core leadership of every B.E.C (Basic Ecclesial Community). They are usually made up of the following persons, the Chief Coordinator, the Assistant Coordinator, the Messenger, the Youth Representative, the Liturgical Representative and the IHD Representative (apart from the main coordinator, the other roles may not be filled in some BECs). The ACT Members are of primary importance because they are responsible for animating the other members of the BEC and form the crucial link between the parish and the grass roots.

Every month, the parish offers a systematic formation for the ACTM, thus the ACTM formation, which usually falls on the last Wednesday of each month. The ACTM formations are conducted in 3 languages (the Orang Asli pastoral workers meet with the Orang Asli BECs separately at the different villages). The monthly ACTM formation is an opportunity to foster a “sense of Church” among the various BECs, cooperation and harmony among the 3 language groups, simulation and training for the conducting monthly reflections at area BEC level.

The formation sessions are conducted by the members of the Parish BEC Animating Team (BECAT). Apart from this role, the members of the BECAT's main responsibilities are to give clear understanding of the importance, identity and functioning of BECs at both ACTM formations and at periodic visits to BECs. They also collaborate with the Priests of the Pairsh in the formation, motivation and dissemination of orientation of Parish Pastoral Plan with regards to BECs.

For the past two years, the BECs of the Church of Visitation have been using the parish reflection papers which are targeted to help BEC members reflect on the themes and focus set by the Parish Pastoral Assembly based on the stages of the New Image of the Parish (NIP) 9 years parish renewal plan.

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