Catechism classes resume this Sunday 11-4-2010
Breakfast Sale by Pre-Confirmation Parents Committee
18th April 2010 After all masses
Kindly give them your support

Marian Congress on 15th and 16th May at Wisma MCA Convention Hall
Closing date for registration - 30th April 2010
All interested participants, please register with the Legion of Mary. Legionaries are to register with your respective praesidiums.
ALPHA Course
(Planning Meeting)
Date: 16-4-10 (Friday)
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Visitation Hall (downstairs)
Calling all Alpha Facilitators and past participants who are interested in joining the new team for a meeting with Fr. Michael

If you know of anyone who would like to know about our Catholic faith, do invite them to join us in the forthcoming RCIA Journey which will begin in June 2010.
Registration forms are available at the Parish Office or contact:
a) Arthur Pinto @ 012-6104927 (English sessions every Tuesday)
b) Valerie Siow @ 012-6733227 (Mandarin sessions every Monday)
c) Theresa Soosay @ 016-3912484) (Tamil sessions on Sunday)
Instruction for Godparents and parents on 10 April at 7.30 pm in one of the classrooms in the Formation Centre

SSVP Nation Youth Convention 2010
Theme: "Come and See:
Open to SSVP Members and Non-Members
Organised by SSVP for all Working Adults/ Youth (ages 23-39)
Dates: 25th - 27th June 2010
Time: 3.00 pm
Place: College General, Penang
Cost: RM 100.00 per pax
For more information, please visit their website: www.ssvp.org.my
Email: svpmsia@streamyx.com

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Date: 15-4-2010
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Parish Parochial House
Parish Integral Human Development (PIHD) Meeting
Date: 16-4-2010
Time: 7 pm
Venue: Recreation Corner
Liturgy Meeting
Date: 17-4-2010
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Parochial House - Conference Room
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