Formation for Parents of 1st Holy Communion & Confirmation Students
Date: 25-4-2010 (Sunday)
Time: 10.45 am to 12 noon @ Visitation Hall - downstairs.
Attendance is compulsory.
Breakfast Sale by Confirmation Students
18th April 2010 After all masses
Kindly give them your support as funds will help subsidise the costs of confirmation camp and activities.
Our Clergy
Clergy Monthly Recollection on 20th and 21st April 2010
Mass on 21-4-10 will be at 7.00 pm.
Fr. George on Leave
Fr. George Packiasamy will be leading a pilgrimage to Rome as a Spiritual Director from 19/4/10 to 1/5/10.
Please pray for him and the pilgrimage group.Formation
Marian Congress on 15th and 16th May at Wisma MCA Convention Hall
Closing date for registration - 30th April 2010
All interested participants, please register with the Legion of Mary. Legionaries are to register with your respective praesidiums.
Introduction to Inter-Religious Ministry
Date: 8-5-2010 (Saturday)
Time: 9.00 am to 4.00 pm
Venue: Visitation Hall (downstairs)
Formation Team: Fr. Michael Chua and the AMEIA (Archdiocesan Ministry of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs) team members.
Reg Fee: RM5.00 per person.
Please register with Alfred @ 016-2129404
Closing Date: 2-5-2010
For whom: BEC leaders, catechists, RCIA facilitators, IHD members, all parishioners etc.
ACTM Formation on 28-4-10 (Wednesday)
Time: 8.00 - 9.30 pm
Venue: Visitation Hall
All 3 language groups - BEC Coordinators, Ass Coordinators, Youth Reps, Messengers & Liturgy are required to attend.
Emmaus Counselling Training Programme 2010
Commencement Date: 2-5-2010
Duration: 15 months programme - 3 semesters
Course fee: RM500/ per semester. (if wishing to return to serve in our parish, please see the Parish Priest for subsidy)
Classes on Saturdays: 10 am - 1 pm @ Emmaus Centre, Church of St. Francis Xavier, PJ.
Evaluation Test on 25/4/2010 (Sunday) at 10 am at SFX Emmaus Centre. All registered candidates are required to come for this test.
Interviews will be held on 27th April & 29th April to select eligible candidates who qualify for the course.
Application forms available at Parish Secretariat and submission of these forms to reach our office by 21-4-2010.
For further enquiries, please contact: Mr. Delfinus @ 019-3885910
SacramentsRCIA Journey 2010/2011
If you know of anyone who would like to know about our Catholic faith, do invite them to join us in the forthcoming RCIA Journey which will begin in June 2010.
Registration forms are available at the Parish Office or contact:
a) Arthur Pinto @ 012-6104927 - English Session on Tuesday @ 7.30 pm (w.e.f. 22-6-10)
b) Valerie Siow @ 012-6733227 - Mandarin Session on Mondays @ 8 pm (w.e.f. 21-6-10)
c) Theresa Soosay @ 016-3912484 - Tamil Sessions on Sundays @ 9 am (w.e.f. 13-6-10)
d) Eric Lim @ 06-6321824 - BM sessions on Sunday @ 10.30 am (w.e.f. 20-6-10)
Liturgy of the Word for Children on 25-4-2010 (Sunday)
4th Sunday of Easter
Children from Stds 2-6 are expected to participate.
Time: 8.45 am
Place: Visitation Hall Downstairs
Music Ministry invites Organists/ Pianists to join the Visitation Choir.
Practices every Friday @ 8.30 pm
Contact: Adrian @ 013-6208404 & Edward @ 016-6689117.
Vocation Vigil on 23rd April Friday - Church of Visitation
Old and young, youth and parents and all parishioners are invited to join us to pray for vocations. There will be short video clip and power presentations during the prayer vigil.
The Daily Mass will be celebrated at 7.00 pm followed by the Vocation Vigil (7.30 - 10.00 pm
SSVP Nation Youth Convention 2010
Theme: "Come and See:
Open to SSVP Members and Non-Members
Organised by SSVP for all Working Adults/ Youth (ages 23-39)
Dates: 25th - 27th June 2010
Time: 3.00 pm
Place: College General, Penang
Cost: RM 100.00 per pax
For more information, please visit their website: http://www.blogger.com/www.ssvp.org.my
Email: mailto:svpmsia@streamyx.com?subject=Email%20for%20further%20details%20here
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