Fr. Michael, Fr. George, Sr. Theresa and the PPC members wish all parishioners, the joys of the Risen Christ and a Blessed Easter.
Parish Office Closed for Holidays
The Parish Office would be closed on Easter Sunday, 4 April.
Misa Paska dalam Bahasa Malaysia
akan dirayakan pada 4hb April (Ahad)
Jam 11:30 pagi
Perhimpunan/ Jamuan Paska untuk Migran
Tarikh: 4hb April 2010 (Ahad)
Masa 12:30 tengahari
Lenten Campaign 2010
All families are invited to collect the Lenten Campaign envelopes from your respective BECs or take from the Bulletin boxes.
Kindly return all Lenten envelopes by 28 March 2010 (Palm Sunday).

No Sunday school classes this weekend, 4.4.2010 being Easter Sunday.
Catechism classes will resume on 28-3-2010

Parish Formation - "Year of the Priests"
Theme: "The Hour of the Laity: Understanding our common Priesthood in Christ"
Date: 10-4-2010 (Saturday)
Speaker: Dr. Sherman Kuek
Time: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Venue: Visitation Hall
Registration Fee: RM5/1 per pax. Please register with Doreen @ 017-3326007
ALPHA Course
(Planning Meeting)
Date: 16-4-10 (Friday)
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Visitation Hall (downstairs)
Calling all Alpha Facilitators and past participants who are interested in joining the new team for a meeting with Fr. Michael

If you know of anyone who would like to know about our Catholic faith, do invite them to join us in the forthcoming RCIA Journey which will begin in June 2010.
Registration forms are available at the Parish Office or contact:
a) Arthur Pinto @ 012-6104927 (English sessions every Tuesday)
b) Valerie Siow @ 012-6733227 (Mandarin sessions every Monday)
c) Theresa Soosay @ 016-3912484) (Tamil sessions on Sunday)
Instruction for Godparents and parents on 10 April at 7.30 pm
Baptism forms are to be submitted by 7th April 2010.
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