As Catholics we appreciate the invitation of the Government requesting all religious houses to hold special prayers for the Country and King as we recognise that ultimately peace and the well-being are God’s blessing. It is God who enlightens our minds and moves our will to seek and strive for the Common Good.
We have much to rejoice about in that amidst the severity of the global economic turmoil, the effect on our country has been comparatively mild and we pray that the worse be over.
Of greater concern to us is the pandemic AH1N1 influenza, increasing number of dengue fever cases, rising crime rates and still rampant corruption, about which we urge our Government to take concrete steps of elimination.
While we are heartened that our honourable Prime Minister has launched 1 Malaysia to declare that Malaysia is equally for all Malaysians, and to stop conversions of children without the consent of both parents, we urge the honourable Prime Minister to take more concrete steps to achieve those objectives.
We strongly believe in UNITY IN DIVERSITY, based on the intrinsic value of each human person created in the image of God - we respect and appreciate each person in his/her individuality and solidarity with others. We hope that religious leaders will educate their flock to respect peoples of other faiths more than just claiming their own particular rights.
We urge the government to repeal and/or review all repressive laws including the Internal Security Act which do not uphold Justice for all in Malaysia, a fundamental right of being human.
We wish all Malaysians a Happy Merdeka Day and pray that our country will continue to enjoy peace and prosperity.
Archbishop Murphy PakiamPresident, Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Malaysia
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