Friday, May 28, 2010

Praying the Word of God

May 28, 2010 – Friday

Guide Outlines
• Goal for Praying the Bible - Our real goal is to meet our Lord as we read his Word and allow him to transform our lives to be more like him through the work of the Holy Spirit.
• Promote the Divine Office and Lectio Divina

Guidelines for Lectio Divina
1. Reading the Scripture passage humbly and prayerfully. Do not rush. So begin with a prayer and ask the Holy Spirit’s assistance Read the passage slowly and carefully.
2. Avoid looking at commentaries at this stage.
3. Have a notebook and pencil ready. Underline, or make a note of, any words or phrases that stand out to you. Write down any questions that occur to you.
4. Read the passage several times and read it aloud. Give yourself time to understand and appreciate what is being said.

1. Here are some suggested approaches you may find helpful.
a. Use your imagination. Picture the passage; put yourself into the scene and become part of the story. See things through the eyes of the other characters, listen to what they say, watch their reactions, imagine how they feel. Keep coming back to Jesus.
b. Ask questions. Use your questions to think more deeply about the passage and what God wants to say to you. Ask Jesus why he did and said what he did. Try to understand his mind. Allow time to be quiet, to listen and hear his answer.
c. Let the Word be a mirror for you. We see how God’s Word applies to our daily life, as an individual, and as part of our community and society. We will find promises and encouragement, challenges and demands.
d. Take the word or phrase into yourself. Memorize it and slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your concerns, memories, and ideas.

1. Using the words of the responsorial psalm can help us but we can also use our own words to have a conversation with a very special friend.
2. We can bring what is happening in our own life and in our community before God.
3. We speak and listen, listen and reflect – it is a conversation with God.

1. We now move from active reflection which uses words and thoughts to a time of silent contemplation. It is like to persons in love who move from discussion to just silently appreciating each other’s company.
2. Few words are necessary here. Let go of words and images, or just stay with one word or one image.
3. Enjoy time in his presence. Just be with him and let him love you. Let him refresh your soul.

After you have finished you may want to jot down in a notebook any experiences or thoughts that particularly impressed you. You may find it helpful to look back at these later.

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